Need to spend less time in the kitchen?
Want to maximize nutrition and flavor?
Stop peeling your veggies! (Well, at least SOME veggies)
Leave these vegetables unscathed:
Potatoes - 20% of the nutrients (like B vitamins!) are lost when you lose the
skin. Even if you plan to mash ‘em, leave the skin on. Just be sure to give your potatoes a good scrub to get all the dirt off!
- The skin adds an extra crunch for salads and sandwiches + a boatload
of antioxidants. If the skin is too tough for your tastes, try shaving
off strips with a Y-peeler (give it a zebra cut) -- looks fancy for
SUPER BOWL party platters too!
Carrots - Shaving
doesn’t change the appearance all that much and most of the
antioxidants are concentrated right under the skin, so you end up
shaving a lot of ‘em off.
Parsnips - Ditto!
Eggplant - The skin gives added texture to eggplant cutlets + a boatload of antioxidants.
Sweet Potatoes - Vitamin C and potassium are in the skin.
Apples (okay, not a veggie, but you still don’t need to peel it!) Apple skins are also rich in Vitamin C.
PLUS all these veggie skins are chalk full of FIBER, which is ultra important for digestion + satiation.
Eat more, weigh less is the meal plan motto!